Random Photo for 06/30/2013



Today’s photo is one that turned out completely differently than I thought it would when I shot it.  I took this photo of a sign on a wall and when I looked at it on my PC, I just wasn’t feeling it.  As I started to process it, I noticed the colors from the sunset and inside the building, and really pushed the vibrancy & saturation in Lightroom 4 to bring them out.

Random Photo for 06/04/2013

South Mountain


It’s been a while.  I want to try and be more active here, but I’m pretty sure I said that before.  Today’s photo was taken this weekend at South Mountain here in Phoenix.  I wanted to get out and shoot and took along some legacy lenses I have plus my Sony 30 f/3.5 macro lens, since I haven’t used them in a while.

I noticed these branches with these little fuzzy white balls on them while I was walking around.  I had just taken a photo of the mountain in the background as the main subject, but wasn’t too happy with it.  I saw this grouping next to me and used the macro to get in close and put the fuzzy balls in the foreground.  This matches the vision I had in my head when I saw this opportunity and I’m really happy with how it turned out.